Food Journal
In unserem Blog findest Du alles Wissenswerte rund ums Thema Essen. Wir präsentieren Dir einzigartige Rezepte, die wir in Kooperation mit Talents und KoRo-Fans entwickelt haben und in unseren Interviews bekommst Du neue Eindrücke zu den Themen gesunde Ernährung und Unternehmensgründung.
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We have something to celebrate: 10 years of KoRo
It's time for a KoRo history lesson, because we're turning 10 years old! And all we can say is: we've had a few gray hairs, but we've still stayed young and wild and grown a lot over the years. There's been a lot going on!
Pick your perfect Date!
Finding the right date is almost as difficult as finding the ideal date. The choice is huge! Although we can only help you to a limited extent when choosing a partner, we are happy to share our many years of date expertise with you. Take a look around and find out all about the different properties and flavors of our dates.
All that glitters is not paper
We'll be honest: environmentally friendly packaging is a challenge. In the following article, we explain how we at KoRo made the decision between paper and plastic packaging.